
World Map
Many people sitting on small plastic chairs and drinking in the streets.
Eating and drinking in Hanoi’s Old Quarter, with beers as cheap as 5000 dong (16p).
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A lake at night. An island full of trees is illuminated in the middle.
Hoan Kiem Lake at night, with the Ngoc Son Temple lit up in the middle.
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A street crowded with people on motorbikes.
A street in The Old Quarter.
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A structure sitting in the centre of a roundabout, surrounded by cars and motorbikes.
Hang Dau Water Tank.
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A large, quiet road lined with tall trees.
A road close to the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.
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An ornate stone mausoleum with square pillars and the text “CHU TICH - HO CHI MINH”.
Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum—the resting place of Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh.
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A home above a shopfront, with balconies.
The view from a hostel window in The Old Quarter.
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A train track running through a narrow road lined with small buildings.
A train line running through the streets of Hanoi.
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